Hands to Work Hearts to God .

Hands to Work Hearts to God .
Made by my "97" years young Mother

Monday, May 31, 2010

Proud to Be an American

Proud of our Fighting Men ! Freedom isn't Free.  I remember that Huge Map on the east wall of my Moms Kitchen. For two years My brother and my husband were both in Vietnam, Army helicopter gunner, and small Navy river boat. When we got mail telling us where they were we would mark it on the Map ( markings all over that old map) they both returned home to us safe. The memories will always remain.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Have They Grown or what ??

My "Favorite Picture" of all time, Hanging on my living room wall and no matter how Big they get I can't bear to replace it ha ! Maybe when they are all grown I'll have another made .   Blair,Mylah,Tanner,Carli,and Hadie the sound of their names is music to my ears, I Love being their Grandma !

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bring on the ORANGE

Boy did we have a good steak last evening YUM, it was cooked by the Jackson County Cowboy Cooks.
We went to the annual Oklahoma State University Posse Club steak dinner and the program was the traveling Cowboy Caravan. Guest speakers were to mention a few Defensive Coordinator/Bill Young and Mike McGraw Head Golf Coach . We had a Great time and Larry got a golf hat at the auction signed by Mike, I'll put it in Tanners Birthday sack !

Monday, May 24, 2010

Should I come out or not ??????

Relaxing in trailer with Hadie and sipping on Jane's wine cooler, Maybe I'll get the nerve to go watch ! Hadie and I relax in  trailer while Jane WORKS in car trailer actually I think she keeps score , and the winners were...... Blair came in second with trophy and money and Mylah won money.

You Go Girls !!!!!!! "Literally"

Well.... I said I would NOT go watch and Please don't tell me anything about it !(after a few wine coolers I came out of trailer to watch) But as I have learned with my family you can't stop them so you might as well join them Ha!
As if these girls don't  have enough to do they are having fun (and winning at a new sport). Thank goodness wheat harvest will be starting soon but again I guess I could worry about that (little good it would do me ha).So here we go
Drag Racing !!!! ?    What's Next   ??????

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Our Cinderella

"Our Cinderella" Prom Night 2010
Bair's Jr. Sr. Prom ....... Blair is a Jr. this year at the prom I can't believe she will be entering her Sr. high school year, Whew! Where has the time gone ? The prom was on Thursday night and Friday morning she was enrolling in college classes for the fall, will take high school and college classes next year,no summer school because of course she is her Dad's right hand "man" on the combine.

Prom 2010

Jr. Sr. Prom 2010 was Magical !
There is something special !  And a Rural school at it's best, about a high school prom night. In our little farming community every one turns out to see the kids all dressed up and watch the parade of pickups, old cars, wheat trucks, motor cycles, tractors, combines what ever suits their fancy all pulling up in parade fashion to let out the Jr.& Sr. kids this is their "special" night ! First their is the week long preparation of getting the community building all dressed for the occasion, then the banquet preparation's in the kitchen begin with around 15 Friends, Moms,Dads and of course the faithful "Grandma's" in the kitchen getting food ready to serve. Sweet and still somewhat Innocent. Just a Real Piece of Americana !

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Race is ON

The Race is On ! Elementary School Track Meet
RUN ! Hadie Run !

Sunday, May 16, 2010

You Go Girls !!!!!!!

WHoooooooooweeeeeeeeeeee Look at that Hind Catcher doing her thing !
You go Mylah Paige ! And You Go Hadie Jo !

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Beautiful Girls

WOW ! Do these Beautiful Girls belong to me ?
Thank you Jesus !

Monday, May 10, 2010

News Flash:
The "Stillwater Stix" are now Three time
tournament winners! I Just Love that #1
Pitcher !! Keep it up Tan Man !

Monday, May 3, 2010

Turkey Hunting {Photo Shoot}

Yesterday we went Turkey Hunting,well Larry did, I went on a Photo Shoot . Larry went about the hunting business and I sat in the blind, with a Turkey decoy just out the window and sat and sat and sat Ha!
the birds and butterflys were everywhere and then around 5:00 the action started this is what I saw and I did get a "Shot" with the camera that is, and boy was it fun seeing the Turkeys on Parade !