Hands to Work Hearts to God .

Hands to Work Hearts to God .
Made by my "97" years young Mother

Friday, February 26, 2010

Growing up before our eyes !

Today, I find myself thinking about Blair and how fast she is growing up. Seems like yesterday she was our baby girl, and now she is a beautiful young lady .... and I do mean beautiful in the most important way , that is a "beautiful spirit" she has always been a laid back, do her own thing spirit not really influnced much by peers etc . But now I can see an even sweeter side she treats Mylah with a kindness that's not been there before,[all of these grandkids seem to have a Strong sense of Family] and is so easy to please, It's not just one thing that I can put my finger on it's just her whole self , just growing up ! Knowing what's important  ! I can't really put it in words, All I know is... I look at her and see a beautiful soul, I am very humbled and Thankful !

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Victory is Sweet !

Boys, Boys,Boys !!
You never saw so many boys as at the State Wrestling Meet , and those "Cowboy Wrestlers" from Stillwater were Awsome !!
I get so worked up when Tanner wrestles I want to cry, but try hard not to Ha ! It's hard to Pray and snap pictures at the same time ! But I get er done ! Whew ! Fun Fun  !
My Heart swells up every time I see any of my grandchildren do things ,God has truly let my cup runneth over when it comes to these kids .

Whirlwind Week

Well it was a whirlwind week ,we made a trip the Chickasha to the district lamb show on Wednesday Mylah and Blair both showed and got a 1st,3rd and two 5ths. Then on Friday we went to OKC to watch Tanner wrestle in the State meet he wrestled on Fri. and Sat. and got 8th in the state . Carli got 3rd on the barrels and poles in Shawnee on Saturday, and on Sunday Tanner and Carli were both in jr. Rodeo haven't got a chance to get results yet as we came home on Saturday eve.
Here it is Tuesday and Janes Birthday, can't believe she is 41, boy does the time go by fast.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Valentines Day .... Grandma

Surprise !
The girls were here today for lunch and brought me a Valentines Surprise ..Hum... Mary Kay pampering stuff,... lotion, bath gel, and perfume , Wow ! As my sister and I would say growing up, Fancy !!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Second Place Cross Pig Denver National Western Livestock Show Jan 24,2010

Jane,Charlie and the girls went to the Denver Livestock Show in Jan , we stayed home and fed all their stock while they were gone, Hey ! I guess it was worth it as Mylah got in the Premium Sale ,they all had a wonderful time Blair was interviewed by the Denver Post it was a really cute interview, and we got to watch the sale Live on the computer out of the Denver channel 9 . Friends from Eldorado went too, and their boy had the Reserve Champion Pig Wow what a trip!

Hadie Jo

Hadie was in the kindergarten play last Tue Feb 2nd , she was sooo excited , she really really LOVES to sing , it was so cute before the play started she was waving to us both grandpa's her daddy and me we were in the back of the room, I had to move up to get these cute pictures.
Glazed Lemon-Blueberry Poppy Seed Bundt Cake
11/2 cup sugr
3/4 cup butter
4 large eggs
3 cups flour
1T baking powder
1T poppy seeds
1/2 soda
1/2 salt
11/2 cups blueberrys
3/4 cup buttermilk
1/3 cup lemon juice            350 for 45 minutes to 1 hr. grease and flour bundt pan.
Glaze : 1 cup powder sugar,1T buttermilk,1T lemon juice

Good day to turn on the oven ?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away ...hum... What about a Apple Pie ? or Pecan or Blueberry bubdt cake or RED VELVET cake ??
Actually I made the bundt cake yesterday my husbands favorite , the pecan pie this morning for the Post Mistress, and the red velvet cake for a ladies club meeting tomorrow . In case you can't figure it out, I LOVE to BAKE !
Tomorrow I will be baking cookies to take to Stillwater for the coaches room at grandsons regional wrestling tournament . Stillwater is about 245 miles away , wish I lived closer as I Love Stillwater Ok. Hope everyone has a great day ! It's snowing here and a good day to turn the oven on Ha!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Two of My Favorite People

My Sweet Moma and brother Lynn ,Moma is "97" and as she says "holding on" how blessed I am to have her for my Mother, and Lynn is a Wonderful brother too. Moma has the wonderful care of my two brothers Larry and Lynn  they take her riding almost everyday and keep her healthy and happy !
I also have a great brother that helps them with all the work or what ever is needed, and a beautiful sister that looks after them all . I am so lucky to have a "Great family"

Dreary Day

Kinda of a dreary day , I think it's because we are not use to it, we usually have sunshine in these parts.
I just fell upon a verse that said :
He Spreads the Snow like Wool and scatters the frost like ashes .  Psalm 147:16
Well it put me in a whole other frame of mind, we need the snow sometimes in our lives, and  it is pretty !
It will make the wheat grow that's a plus !
Friday we will be in Stillwater for our grandsons regional wrestling tournament , I am in charge of hot dogs again Ha! My daughter just called and asked if I could make cookies for the coaches room and bring an extra crock pot .... Sure that's what Moms are for,  I think I get my biggest pleasure in life doing things for my girls . Grandpa is excited too, he will be selling Tshirts .
He also has to get busy making a batch of deer jurkey for those little wrestling boys they love it !
 If anyone does quilting or such, a new site will be open soon Farmhouse Woolens it's great and I love her blog My Yellow Farmhouse.    Later Sue

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Electricity is on Yea!

Yea ! the electricity is on or it's coming on soon we had lent a generator to a friend and he called and said he had power ,something we all take for granted till we are with out . I kept thinking about those people in Haiti that have never had electricity even before the earthquake , it just brought everything to our attention ,but the fact is there a lot of people in the world that don't
have the everyday things we take for granted .

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

With the help of my sweet grandaughter !

It's a Cold Wet Wed. eve in southwest Oklahoma we have had a major ice storm and have had NO electricity for 3 days and some in the country {my daughter and family } will be out for about three weeks .
So I am busy doing their laundry three girls Whew ! and helping with cooking some suppers the neat thing about it all is that the two oldest girls are coming here at lunch and again in the evening to shower and etc and I and grandpa are enjoying them both the 12 year old is helping Grandma get computer savvy ! I hope someone out their enjoys reading this and hope I will get better at it I enjoy reading Pioneer Woman and My Yellow Farm House and others . Not only can this girl run a computer ,WOW she is a AWSOME Basketball Player !